Four Weeks remaining in Ukraine's latest cold war

Ukraine has four weeks remaining in the first round Presidential campaign.

The polls have shown little change in voters support with Viktor Yanukovych and Yulia Tymoshenko remaining favorites to progress to the second round run-off ballot.

There is concern that the election may still falter as the government has not yet transferred money to the Central Election authority to pay for the election estimated to cost over 100 million dollars with a total campaign cost of over one billion dollars.

Viktor Yushchenko has threatened to veto the 2010 budget giving rise to further possible disruption to the elections process.

Traditionally Ukraine's Presidential elections are held in October but Viktor Yushchenko was desperate to cling on to office for a long as he could and he forced Ukraine into holding the election in the midst of winter.

Ukraine is facing one the coldest winters in recent history with temperatures dropping to blow minus 20 degrees which might see a lower then expected turnout on election day if the cold spell continues into the new year and beyond January.

In 28 days time Yushchenko will face the moment of truth and judgement by the people of Ukraine with most commentators holding the view that Yushchenko's presidency is about to come to an abrupt end. .

Any last minute upset or attempt by Yushchenko to cancel the election will trigger a chain of events that Ukraine and the world might yet live to regret.


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